One of my dragonfly paintings (below) as featured in the BBC's DIY SOS program. . With thanks to Mel Massey stylist on the show.
With the BBC TV program DIYSOS. My painting (below) featured.
Golden Dragonfly painting. 91x91 cm. Oil on board with gold leaf and gloss resin surface
Kent Life Magazine Feature August 2019
an article about my work to coincide with the summer exhibition at Fairfax Gallery, Tunbridge Wells
Some snaps taken with the BBC TV team for the programs DIYSOS
I donated two pieces of work for the projects in West Brom and in Torquay. They were both inspiring and heartwarming events and it was an honour to have played a small part. So many wonderful people involved showing enormous generosity and kindness.
A charity event for 'STORY FMR' Funding Melanoma Research. A snap shot of our lovely evening is captured in the short video below.